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             Our new official video of CHURCH OF LOVE is out now:



             CHURCH OF LOVE is NOW also digitally available

             on Itunes, Apple Music, Amazon Google Play, etc:



                                  Indiggo Twins

                  proudly announce the release of the

                  Anti-Virus Anti-Hatred Anti-Violence

                            Pop-Symphonic Album

                              CHURCH OF LOVE

     – an album that unites the world into ONE SPIRIT–


                        “Let’s go to the Church of Love

                   Jewish, Christians, Muslim are all one

                 There is no hatred - One Love, One God!


         composed, arranged, performed and produced by

                       award-winning INDIGGO TWINS,

Creators of the “Divine & Transformative Work of Art” (Today Tix)

                "WICKED CLONE or How to Deal with the Evil"



                  Executive Producer: Raphael Walter Miclo



                Saturday September 26th 2020 

                                     OFF BROADWAY

                   @ TRIAD THEATER (158 W 72ND ST. NYC)


Pop Symphonic album “Church of Love” features powerful Holy-Spirited compositions: Church of Love, God Didn't Come for the Perfect, Say a Prayer, Christ is Risen, Alelluia!, I will Never Die, I am Like God filled with divine protection, Love and Faith!



There are anthems of solidarity, antidotes against any virus and fear!


“Now in these trial times, we wish everyone, no matter their culture or religion, to sing along with us CHURCH OF LOVE and this way to fight the virus. One Spirit, One Nation united into Divine Love: ‘Love your neighbor, Love your foe! What is the difference? We have one heart, one soul.’  Imagine if we all sing at the same time, thus all praying at the same time,” Gabriela Modorcea, the producer of the Indiggo Twins’ music, states.


 “There is an alarm that people need to start praying and believing in God more. This world has been in chaos, who makes more money, who's the biggest, the most powerful... God might want to humble the human kind to get back to LOVE, believing, honoring true values, true art, living, kindness, the heart.

However, we are blessed to know angels.

Thank you to our executive producer Raphael Walter Miclo,” Mihaela Modorcea, the author of Wicked Clone or How To Deal with the Evil, says with gratitude and delight. 


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Church of Love by Indiggo Twins (Physical album - CD)

  • 1. The birth of our composition "CHURCH OF LOVE"

    “We both are Jewish Christian and love to spread the divine light and love of God through our art. We have no prejudice. Actually one. When people are not open to grow, to learn more about what is beyond us, or other worlds, they forget to play, and they forget to be children. We love to believe like children, simple. We love to pray and play. We have close friends who are Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist.

    Before the Easter mass, preparing to go to church, we started dreaming about taking all our friends to the same place and singing hand in hand "Let's go to the CHURCH OF LOVE / Jewish, Christians, Muslim are all one / There is no hatred / One love, one God.”

    Then Gabriela went to the piano and started playing the chords.

    “It was as if the Holy Spirit was dictating me the words, the notes. And I let go, let Him. And that’s how CHURCH OF LOVE was born,” Gabriela says.

    “Now in these trial times, we wish everyone, no matter their culture or religion, to sing CHURCH OF LOVE and this way to fight the virus of CORONA.

    Our dream is that one day we can be one Nation united into Divine Love: ‘Love your neighbor, Love your foe! What is the difference? We have one heart, one soul!’

    CHURCH of LOVE is an anthem of solidarity, of unity of cultures, religions and an antidote against all sorts of viruses. As there are even more terrible viruses: the virus of hatred, war, racism, power, religion persecution, promotion of products of no value that we hope to stop. And yes, true music is a powerful divine weapon. Imagine if we all can sing at the same time, praying for the same cause,” Gabriela declares.

    “Ever since I was little I wrote hundreds of poems and songs dedicated to Jesus. I felt His presence like a tree, blooming in my heart and the Holy Spirit has always guided our art,” Mihaela says.



    Preview lyric video song:

    “After we performed at the Buckstock Music and Arts Festival, in Bogota, New Jersey we felt like visiting the surroundings. Our feet have guided our hearts to a beautiful church in the middle of a deserted crossroad. We went inside, nobody was in, only a great grand piano and our echoes. The church was divinely peaceful and had such a great aura as the sunset rays were caressing its stained glasses. Mihaela started singing:

    “Christ is Risen, Alleluia/Christ is Risen in My heart,” Gabriela recalls.

    “Gabriela sat at the piano and started accompanying me. And it all flew from there, in one go, as the Holy Spirit has lifted our spirit,” Mihaela smiles.



    "I was hurt when I heard that a friend of ours didn't want to see us any more or talk to us because we performed our musical 'Wicked Clone or how to Deal with the Evil' at the Black Box Theatre of the Playboy Club. She said: 'I have a reputation and I don't want to be associated with them if they perform at the Playboy Club...' At that moment I said: 'But we are not performing for perfect people, I want to give God's light to the weak, to prostitutes, drunkards, to the imperfect. God did not come for the perfect...' And that is how our song was born," Mihaela explains.



    “I remember that we were at the Roc the Mic studios, recording some of our original songs with Jay-Z’s team. I was feeling so tired, we were there for 12 hours. I felt the Holy Spirit whispering to me “SAY A PRAYER” and I started singing... “You can go wrong, but you're strong - Say a prayer/ Let the angels know your soul - Say a prayer”

    I hope that whenever you need strength, protection, encouragement you will sing “Say a Prayer,” Mihaela emboldens.



    Towards the end of the year, we had some trouble with our landlord and we got to spend a few days at a friend’s house. We had been busy with promoting our show at the Black Box Theater, and we completely forgot about a date we had in court.

    We had to have the opening of our Wicked Clone exhibition and we needed to enter our apartment for our equipment by all means. We needed our projectors, screen as Wicked Clone is a blend of film and theatre and we interact with the characters on the screen. Then a great friend came to our help and, thank God, we got to settle the account with the landlord.

    “On Dec 30th, one day before the New Year’s Eve, in the middle of the night I started thinking about all our good friends who have helped us in troubled and sunny times.” Mihaela recalls.

    And I started humming: “Still got the same friends / Friends without fame / They've helped me out then / When I couldn't pay my rent.

    I then wondered if there is a happy empowering song that I can start humming as we enter the New Year. A tune popped up in my head: “I'm a New Born this New Year / Got a new attitude this New Year / Nothing's gonna stop me this New Year/I'm celebrating Me without fear!

    I jumped out of bed, at around 2 am, and recorded the song on my Iphone7 (that inspired the lyric in the song). Gabriela listened to it in the morning and, ecstatically, started producing it,” Mihaela recalls.

    Gabriela chimes in: “It was probably the fastest song I have ever arranged and produced. I finished the production at 11:59 am December 31. And then I worked on finishing the lyric video until 9 am. I mailed a letter to all our friends and fans with the new song. Boom:

    Then we listened to one of our favorite bands Abba’s paradoxical lyrics of ‘Happy New Year’ not quite heralding a happy new year. And then we were happy about our happy song ‘New Year Without Fear’”.



    Preview Theatrical Version here:

    “I have been quite troubled in my love life, my human love life… Actually as it happened, most of the friends who fell in love with me and me with them were married or in complicated relationships. I tried to fight all these, wondering why it kept happening to me, haunting me. Sometimes I started feeling guilty if I happened to be in love with a man of that sort and asked God to get me out of that. God replied to me that all of those were ‘White Lies, White Sins’ and I should be moving on, stronger…and not feeling guilty anymore. And so, this is for all of you who experienced something like this,” Mihaela confesses.


    7. I AM LIKE GOD (pop version):

    Preview Theatrical version:

    “Each of us goes through a period when they lose their faith in themselves. But God did not lose His Faith in me. In the weakest, darkest period of my life, when I was searching for answers about God, the world, the universe amongst pastors, priests, rabbis, people of faith…everyone was confusing me, orienting and disorienting me according to their experiences… When I stopped asking, and waiting, patiently, God strengthened me and spoke to me: “Believe in Yourself because you are like Me, a creator. You and me, are one. Then I let Go and let God.  When we lose ourselves we become like Him. This is how I wrote I Am Like God,” Mihaela recalls.


    8. I WILL NEVER DIE / Death Has No Power over Me

    “One day, I was late for my physical therapist’s appointment. I used to do lots of monkey-bar workouts and some of the weak muscles needed strengthening. An accident happened in the 6 train and I was forced to take a cab. Yet I remembered that I had forgotten my credit card in my sister’s bag that looked exactly like mine. I was panicking and a sweet gentleman in his sixties who was himself hailing a cab asked me if I was all right. I swiftly explained my story and helped him get a cab. We both drove until my therapist’s office and then he went on to his dentist appointment. Meanwhile, in the cab, we started talking about arts. He told me that he owned an art gallery on 76th St. called Jack Tilton Gallery. I started telling him about our father’s work on several Brancusi books and films and mentioned that we owned some of his early pieces. He invited us to his upcoming exhibition at the gallery delighted to talk more.

    From there on, a great friendship started developing and we had several meetings with different art dealers.

    Two days after our last meeting with a French dealer I didn’t hear back from him and decided to make a visit as we lived close to Central Park. His wife opened the door mourning and told us that he had passed away the night before. He had a hidden form of cancer that he was not aware of.

    I burst into tears and ran back home. I sat at the piano and played this:

    These are exactly the notes that I played after I heard the news. I did not re-play anything.

    Preparing a show for Valentine’s Day this year, Mihaela remembered my composition and decided to turn my orchestral composition into a LIFE SONG with lyrics and poetry called I WILL NEVER DIE. And here it is on our new album CHURCH OF LOVE that we hope you will all enjoy and fight this ‘stupid, scabbed, filthy’ death”, Gabriela tells.

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